Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein we are presented with more than just a story (which is how it began) but with a novel that raises deep philosophical questions. The tale of Frankenstein is much more than just a story; it is a cautionary tale which pays attention to moral values by presenting the reader with the character of Frankenstein and his toils. Mary Shelley is able to present us with more than just a horrific story but also with the moral ideas which form its fundamental basis. There are a variety of themes which run through the story of Frankenstein with the theme of friendship, nature, and most importantly responsibility. Victor Frankenstein was obsessed with creating life itself out of nonliving parts. This is shown where he refers to himself in third person saying, â€Å"So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein—more, far more, will I achieve; treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation† (Shelly 49). Victor is so concentrated on the glory of being able to create a being from dead parts that he becomes consumed in his work and never even considers the affect this could have on society. He completely disregards this affect making this the first responsibility that Frankenstein failed to complete. He searched graveyards for material to fashion a new being, which he shocks into life with electricity. Although his creature was extremely big and being made from many different parts quickly combined together into a being was hideous. Once he had created this monster he states, â€Å"now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bed-chamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep†(Shelly 58). Frankenstein took no responsibility over his hideous creation here and instead decides to flee from the room in terror and leave the monster. This shows that he wants no part of what he created at this point so he is trying to escape the responsibility of creating the monster. Although inside he kno ws that he created the monster and anything the monster does will be on Frankenstein’s conscious. This leads to new events in the story that he feels responsible for. Frankenstein felt responsible for his younger brothers death when he realized that the monster he created murdered William. Frankenstein started to feel as if he himself had committed the murder because of his role in the monsters existence. Everything the monster did was Frankensteins fault because he was the creator. Rather than blame the monster for his downfall, Frankenstein blamed himself because he created the monsters life. He did not take actual responsibility for his brother’s death however because he did not want anyone to know about the monster. Frankenstein felt as if he murdered Justine as well as William because she was executed for a crime the monster committed of murdering William. If Frankenstein would have taken responsibility for his actions of creating the monster and told people what actually happened to his brother then Justine would not have been killed for a crime she did not commit. The chain of events that the monster set off with Williams murder began not with the monster, but with Frankensteins desire to create life. When the monster came to Frankenstein to plead his case and tell his story, Frankenstein realized that he had some obligation to the monster because he created it, in the same way that he bore responsibility for the monsters actions. Frankenstein was no longer simply responsible to humanity for the monsters actions, but he was also responsible to the monster for his happiness. Being the creator of a life was more responsibility than Frankenstein planned for when he was so eager to create the monster. The monster called upon Frankenstein to fulfill his obligation of providing for his happiness by creating a female companion to keep him company. Out of his sense of obligation to his creation and out of fear for his family (which the monster threatened to harm if Victor did not make a companion), Frankenstein agreed to make the female monster. His responsibility to his creation carried greater weight than the idea of his responsibility to humanity for the actions of the original monster and the new one he agreed to create. He hadnt yet realized the full weight of responsibility he would bear for the actions of both monsters. Before Frankenstein could marry Elizabeth, he had to complete his obligation to the monster so that he could be completely rid of him and the responsibility for his actions. As a result, Frankenstein postponed the wedding and took a trip to England to work without the danger of being discovered by his family because he had still not told anyone about the monster that he created and actually to responsibility for its actions. His obligation to the monster was not only to ensure the monsters happiness, which Frankenstein felt obliged to do as the monsters creator, but also as a way to protect his family from the monsters vengeance. Before he completed the female monster, Frankenstein realized the weight of responsibility he would bear if together the two monsters destroyed any other human life or reproduced, and the thought was just too much to bear. Rather than deal with the responsibility for two hideous, superhuman creatures, Frankenstein would rather deal with the wrath of one, so he destroyed his work on the female monster. This kept him free from the enormous feeling of responsibility of any actions of the two monsters. Frankenstein was responsible for Henrys death at the hands of the monster, and this grief rendered him ill for a long time. Frankenstein is once again in the position he found himself with William and Justines deaths. He didnt murder Henry, but his friendship with Frankenstein made Henry susceptible to the monsters wrath because he used Henry to get back at Frankenstein. Although the Irish magistrate acquitted him, Frankenstein knew that he was responsible for Henrys death because he had d efied the monsters wishes and the monster repaid him by killing his friend. The monster then did exactly as it said it would if Frankenstein did not create a companion for it and went to kill his fiancà ©e Elizabeth. Frankenstein, feeling responsible for Elizabeths death as well, vowed vengeance on the monster. The only way to absolve his responsibility for the monsters actions was to kill him, so thats what Frankenstein set out to do. He was responsible for the monsters creation and its actions, and he planned to be responsible for the monsters destruction as well which would free his mind from any new struggles. Frankenstein has already lost all of the friends that he was close with and really lost everything he has dreamed of at the hands of the monster. He believes without his friendships he has nothing to live for except the destruction of the monster. Friendship is important throughout the novel because it is the goal of Walton, the narrator, as well as the monster Frankenstein created. Loneliness and isolation are major conflicts throughout â€Å"Fr ankenstein†, and in this novel they motivate the monster to turn to destruction. The first sight of the theme of friendship we see is how Walton longs for a friend to share his excitement over the voyage to the North Pole. He is separated from his sister, whom he may never see again, and he has no one to buoy his courage or steady his heady excitement. Walton writes, â€Å"I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavor to sustain me in dejection†(Shelly 19). Friendless in the cold, white blankness of Archangel, and preparing to sail into the vast and unknown frozen arctic, seems a desolate situation for Walton. He feels the need of someone of his same intelligence that he can share his thoughts with so that the friend could keep Walton positive when he feels as though failure on his journey is near. Without a friend Walton is just a lonely being among others that cannot sustain his need for a friend to help him find a bit of lig ht in the dark days of his voyage to sooth his soul. â€Å"Frankenstein† also uses Natural beauty as well as friendship for a soothing influence on the characters of the novel and it is an important part of the Romantic influence. This appreciation of beauty in a novel so filled with brutality seems an odd contrast, but it is part of what makes this story a Romantic piece. On Frankenstein’s trip back home he was anxious about the changes in his homeland since he had been away for six years, so he spent a few days resting in a small town and letting the landscape of his country ease his worry. â€Å"I remained two days at Lausanne, in this painful state of mind. I contemplated the lake: the waters were placid: all around was calm; and the snowy mountains, ‘the palaces of nature’, were not changed. By degrees the calm and heavenly scene restored me, and I continued my journey toward Geneva† (Shelly 76). The familiar landscapes, which seemed timeless when compared to the span of human life, calmed his worries. Nature makes us feel small and unimportant because we last such a short time in comparison to the mountains, rivers, and trees around us, so whatever we are experiencing must be miniscule as well. Gazing at the calm and relaxing place is helpful to ease the mind of struggles and to calm the mind. In conclusion, the theme of responsibility proves to be the most important in the novel â€Å"Frankenstein†. Although Frankenstein himself does not take responsibility over his action of creating the monster until it has destroyed almost everything he loved. If he had taken this responsibility from the beginning he could have avoided the tragedies that brought him into a depression. The only things that could help him through this terrible time would be friendships or nature. The fact that he lost all of his friendships through the destruction of the monster that he had not taken responsibility for led Frankenstein to have to find peace within nature. Works Cited Shelly, Mary W. Frankenstein. London: Penguin Group, 1992. Print.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Effects of Occupational Stress on Physical Health and its Consequen

No matter the job, stress will always play a role in an individual’s life. Regardless of whether one is a waitress, a teacher, a corrections officer, or a doctor, avoiding stress in the workplace is nearly impossible, perhaps even impossible. And the effects of stress in the workplace are numerous. Stress can have both psychological and physical effects on the members of the workforce. And while the specific effect may differ from one individual to the next, and in particular the effect on physical health will certainly differ from one job to another, a construction worker will most certainly experience different health issues than a secretary, for instance, physical health. Research conducted in the field of occupational health psychology has found evidence linking health and mortality in individuals to the stress encountered in the workplace; in particular research has discovered a causal effect between work experiences and physiological responses (Macik-Frey, Quick & Ne lson, 2007). Stress in the workplace can have an effect not only on the safety measures employees engage in while on the clock, but can also affect how an individual behaves outside of the workplace, in fact, it is not uncommon for an individual to experience accidents and injuries outside of the workplace that can be linked back to the stresses they experienced not only in the workplace but other stresses concerning one’s employment (Macik-Frey et al, 2007). Estimates vary widely on the cost to organizations of poor health in employees, with some estimates reporting losses in the billions of American organizations, not only from the loss of productivity and sick-leaves, but also as a result of caring for these illnesses. Cardiovascular heart-disease (CDH... ...lsewhere, or they may just have no causal link. In the study of burnout and physical health, there is still much more research necessary to fully understand and prevent not only burnout, but cardiovascular disease, particularly in the workforce. The link is not always certain, but with new researches conducted the pathway between burnout and cardiovascular disorder, between stress as a whole and physiological symptoms, becomes clearer. The benefit is not only for mental health but also physical well-being of employees and overall increased production in organizations; it is not just the individual who benefits from burnout treatments in their well-being and overall job satisfaction, but the organization benefits from having a healthy workforce who are also happy, or at least not frustrated and dissatisfied, with their occupation and position in the organization.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

I’m a child anorexic Essay

In 2006 the BBC made a documentary called ‘I’m a child anorexic’ (appendix 1) it focuses on â€Å"Rhodes Farm† – a treatment clinic in north London that specialises in children suffering from anorexia nervosa from girls as young as 12 years old. The programme follows the girls’ highs and lows at the clinic – the initial tantrums as they struggle to eat the foods they fear most, their interactions with staff, the friendships they make, their family dealings and then the tears of sadness when they finally have to leave. The documentary focuses primarily on the struggle of 2 young girls in particular, 12-year-old Natasha and 13-year-old Naomi. I have chosen this clip because as well as educating about anorexia in young girls, it does a brilliant job of illustrating different types of relationships the girls have with the people surrounding them during this difficult time. It portrays variances in communication between them and their families, carers and peers. It also reveals how the young girls are feeling during their time at the clinic and demonstrates examples of how they are made to feel isolated and different. Wherever you are and however you may be nobody likes to feel isolated and alone; being part of a community has a positive impact on your life. A sense of loneliness leads to feelings of sadness and anxiety, which consequently can complicate health problems. In health care settings in particular it is important that individuals feel a sense of belonging among other things. For this reason if progress is to be made by the girls at Rhodes Farm then is important that their care follows the ‘relationship-centred’ framework. This framework has been developed so that all participants (staff included) experience a sense of: security, belonging, continuity, purpose, achievement and significance (Nolan et al. 2006). Whilst this framework was designed with a focus on older people, the six senses have wider applicability to other clinical areas to. The concept is that if all these senses are met, then the care you are giving and receiving is at its highest possible level. Throughout the clip there are arious scenes that demonstrate how happy the girls are to have one another. It is extremely important, in their fragile states that they are not going through this journey alone and the fact that there are other girls of similar ages going through the same thing means that the girls can all relate to one another. This is important because it makes them conscious that they are not the only ones that are suffering with this illness. By establishing these close friendships the girls are achieving a sense of belonging within the clinic. Having others that are going through the same as them also gives them the security to know they are not alone, which helps to ease sadness and pain. It is through communication that we build these friendships. Effective mutual communication is of paramount importance. Research shows that in order to make a difference to children’s lives healthcare practitioners must be able to relate to the children, support them in making decisions, listen to them, and involve them. â€Å"Good communication between healthcare professionals and patients is essential† (Nice 2012). There are numerous scenes in the clip where Dr Dee Dawson founder of Rhodes Farm (referred to as Dr D throughout) is seen talking directly to the girls, both individually and in group situations; and in my opinion she does not always demonstrate good communication or meet all the senses from the framework I have mentioned earlier. It can be very difficult to judge what a child understands or knows (NHS), and this is apparent when Dr D is talking to Naomi about her personal progress at the clinic. Dr D presumes that Naomi is aware about the calorific content of water, and by repeating her question and raising the tone and volume of her voice she appears to patronise Naomi quite significantly. This represents a distinct lack of empathy on Dr D’s part. Additionally what that caught my attention in this scene was how the majority of what Dr D has to say focuses on the negative aspects of Naomi’s journey; such as failing all her weekends away and how they feel she is keen to stay on, instead of picking up on the more positive aspects such as the meals she has eaten and the weight she may have gained. You also see in this scene that because of the emotional and cognitive impacts that the illness has on Naomi, alongside the pressure from Dr D, she really struggles to verbalise her feelings. This is validated when Naomi breaks down in tears. One of the key qualities central to therapeutic communication is the ability to truly ‘attend’ to the other person. This has been referred to as giving ‘free attention (Egan 1990). Heron (1975) described this as, â€Å"a subtle and intense activity of being present for the client. â€Å"Talking is the main ingredient in medical care and it is the fundamental instrument by which the doctor-patient relationship is crafted and by which therapeutic goals are achieved† (Rotter and Hall 1992). In the clip, there is a scene that shows Naomi being made to drink water, as punishment for her behaviour. What is interesting about this scene is the difference in communication and in the relationship between the carer and Naomi comp ared with that of Dr D. The carer uses a more healing style when talking to her, using more positive phrases such as, â€Å"you can do it,† and generally being more encouraging. She points out to Naomi what has already achieved in order to support her with what she has remaining. Carers are taught the basic principles of motivational interviewing (Miller and Rollnick, 1991). When people are hostile or hesitant to change the principles of this approach should be used. This approach can be summarised in the phrase ‘less is more’. Less serves as an acronym for the fundamental principles of this approach: listen, empathy not sympathy and sharing, af? rmation and support. Whitaker et al. 2005) Chitty and Black (2007, p. 218) explain that communication is the exchange of information, thoughts and ideas through verbal and non-verbal communication at the same time. They explain that verbal communication consists of entirely speech whereas non-verbal communication consists of gestures, postures, facial expressions, tone and level of volume. Children in particular once they have grown out of infancy, are acute observers of body language and the mood of ot hers. In the scene where Dr D is standing at the front of the room talking to the girls as a group I noticed that body language is evident from her and the girls. I also noted that she shows very little empathy or support towards them. In this scene the girls are sat at a lower level, they therefore need to look up to her as if she is more important than them. In doing this she is distancing herself from the girls. In their fragile conditions they already see her as the authoritative figure, and this positioning clarifies that further. You can see in the girl’s facial expressions that they lack interest in what she has to say; their faces appear jaded. There is little eye contact made between the doctor and the girls as the majority of them have their heads down; some have their faces in their hands, other are picking their nails. These are common signs of disinterest and anxiety. The language that Dr D uses here is derogatory and I imagine makes the girls feel even more alienated. She emphasises this by categorising them, using phrases such as, â€Å"you people† and referring to non-anorexic people as â€Å"normal people†. It is highlighted in studies how important it is to transfer warm, af? rming and respectful methods of communication however as seen in this clip Dr D seems neither warm nor affirming. I do not feel that she is seen to be being respectful of their low self-esteem and I do not see any example of her making an effort to be heartfelt or affectionate. To be able to identify and accommodate to the particular conversational practices of different social groups, you must have what Hymes calls ‘communicative competence’ (Hymes, 1972. This is a term used to describe a speaker’s potential for communicating effectively. Proficiency must be shown across a wide range of social, interpersonal and cultural contexts. This skill is a prerequisite for Dr D when communicating with these young girls and I would have thought that as the doctor who set up the clinic and therefore presumably has a keen interest in young people with this illness, that she would practice this theory in or der to engage with the girls more and make them feel more at home and comfortable. Studies show that an adult’s values and attitudes effect children close to them quite substantially, therefore it is vitally important that adults develop the insights; self-awareness and skills that are needed to guide the child, especially within a setting such as Rhodes Farm. From the day they are born children start to develop a sense of who they are. One of the main factors that contribute to their identities is relationships; this can be with family members, other adults and children, friends and other figures such as members of their community. As well as being a standard of ethical practice, finding out what children and young people are feeling, hoping, thinking, and fearing in regards to their treatment, as well as decision making which affects them directly is now a statuary requirement. (Department of Health 2002) Family are important in any environment where young children are involved as they create a balance between change and stability. In early 1960s when Bowlby and Robertson established that there were negative consequences to he well-being of a child that is hospitalised and recognition of the family as a unit increased (cited by Alsop-Shields and Mohay 2001). The concept of family-centred care (FCC) has become much more frequently used to describe a practice that identifies the family as the fundamental source of support. It also considers the deliberate involvement of the family essential to promote the health of all family members (Franck and Callery 2004, Shields et al. 2006). The classic view of parent – adolescent relationships is one of conflict, Anderson and Clarke (1982) opposed this view. In the scene where Natasha is about to go out for a meal with her father for the first time since being at the clinic, she is talking to the camera about how hard it is has been for her to spend time without seeing her family. In a situation where Natasha was not sick or separated from her family for a long amount of time, her feelings and reactions on this subject may not be the same. When the parents arrive at Rhodes Farm to see the girls, the girls run out to hug them. Research suggests that children of a young age rely on the support of their families. Through hugging the girls the parents show them love, affection and support. To feel secure, attention to the essential physiological and psychological needs need to be met and part of this can be done through hugging. In the clip when Natasha is alone with her father, I noticed that one of first thing that Natasha’s father tells her is how great she is looking. Giving children messages of love, approval, encouragement and above all respect, allows them to develop a positive sense of who they are. Sick children in particular need to feel this; it can be one of the factors that contribute towards a faster recovery. These messages give them the confidence to voice their own feelings, views and opinions and aid them in making their own choices when appropriate. In Natasha’s case this support her father is showing her could have a direct influence on the way she perceives herself and therefore speed up her recovery. As Faulkner (1998) stated: â€Å"To be able to communicate effectively with others is at the heart of all patient care. † All the relationships seen in this clip have an immediate and vast impact on the girls. Dr D demonstrates how not relating to the girls makes it hard for her to gain their attention and presumably respect. When she talks to them as a group they have little interest in what she has to say, when she has one of the girls on her own the girl struggles to verbalise her feelings, resulting in tears. The relationships between the girls are what keep them motivated and happy. Without these friendships I imagine that the girls would feel so much more isolated and less inspired to get better. The carer’s positive attitude and encouraging words are also key factors in making the girls feel safe giving them a sense of achievement and making them feel secure in these particular surrounding, The relationships between the father and daughter also gives the girl a sense of security as well as continuity. He is supporting her and showing love, which will give her the confidence she needs to get well. Within any type of relationship, especially within a care setting, it is imperative that the senses of belonging and security are met. Once these have been met, a trust is in place that makes communication much easier.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Native American Genocide - 5146 Words

Was U.S. Policy Toward Native Americans During the Periods of Expansion, Colonization, and Early U.S. an act of Genocide ? â€Å"To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens.† - Adolf Hitler, 1933 Abiona Yemane US History Ms.Brown Section F Independent Research Project 4 June 2014 Introduction In August of 1492 Columbus set sail from Spain hoping to soon arrive in Asia, but a few months later he arrived in the Bahamas and claimed it as new land. He thought he had discovered a new land, but little did he know— or care—that this land was already inhabited by a group of Indigenous peoples called Native Americans. Columbus proceeded to take over this land, exploit it for its riches, and abuse†¦show more content†¦The entire goal of the boarding school was to take a massive amount of an entire Native American generation, and change their overall outlook on life by educating them in the western way instead of allowing them to grow up in their Native households. In the end you will be left with a mass amount of civilized Native Americans, and not many of their generation will be able to keep the Native American way of life alive because they do not know much about it. This is a very effective tactic used by the settlers. It serves to kidnap an entire gener ation of Native Americans, and turn them into westernized peoples, who can be easily placed infiltrate a Native American community. Classifying Native Americans as inferior also allows the settlers to think that they are superior and need to civilize the land and its people. According to the Wicocomico Indian Nation â€Å"In 1623, the Jamestown Colonists passed legislation that indicated their hostility toward the Indians.† Many of the legislations passed by the colonists in this time were very hostile toward the Native Americans. Being hostile toward the native Americans and passing legislation on land they did not even own, are signs that the settlers began feeling more powerful. 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